Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Message #1

During the years that I have been privileged to minister to others, who don’t know Jesus, I have always been scared of someone asking a question that I could not answer. I have not gone to school to be a preacher; I have not had bible school classes teaching me how to witness. So, you can imagine the intimidation I faced once when someone I was witnessing to turned to me and asked, “What exactly is ‘SALVATION’?” I was stunned, not because I didn’t know what it was, but I had no idea how to explain it.
I began with, “Well, it is the act of being saved.”
“Saved from what?” they would follow up with, “Why do I need to be saved?”
I would begin with this theological bout about Jesus, hell, and the devil… all while using these long irrelevant words, which they had no interest in. What I didn’t realize is I knew biblically what this savior stuff was about, but I needed to relay it in a personal way.
I have been doing a really in depth study of Romans… Now I have read it, heard it preached on, and spoke and taught from it, but I decided I want to STUDY it. My prayer is not for just understanding, but I want to read this book, like Paul wrote it. I want to know why Paul included what he did when he wrote it.
Romans 3:23
-          All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.
o   Preachers use this scripture all the time, but I really don’t think people realize the spiritual magnitude of this statement. Even to many Christians this has become a cliché when witnessing.
o   It is this sin that is the problem. It is this SIN that creates a barrier between God and man, it is this SIN that makes us dirty.
  Romans 5:12
-          Sin and death entered through one man, Adam.
o   When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden, this disobedience was considered SIN.
o   Not only did sin enter the world but death also entered the world.
Romans 6:23
-          Sin= Death
o   Wages is the payment for work completed, so it is fair to say Wages is what one EARNS.
o   When you sin you EARN death, it is not just bestowed upon you, you EARN it.
I bet some of you are asking what is SIN?
I guess now is as good a time to talk about what sin is then any.
o   Sin- is disobedience of the law of God.
o   See, the Law was created as a result of Adam’s sin… There was no NEED of the Law until Adam and Eve DISOBEYED the ONE rule that GOD set in place.  DO NOT eat of THAT tree.
o   The law is not to set forth RULES and REGULATIONS it is to uncover sin. It is to set a standard for righteousness.
Romans 5:19
o   Because Adam sinned we are all condemned.
o   BUT because Jesus came and lived a SINLESS life we are justified.
o   It is like righteousness cancels out sin, if we believe.
o   God’s gift, Jesus, was a gift of Grace.
Romans 6:6
-          Crucified with Christ
o   When Jesus hung on the cross for our sins, he took on our sins, our wages… He PHYSICALY died the DEATH that we earned. (so we wouldn’t have to)
o   We have a choice to either continue on in our sin, or to (spiritually) crucify and die to our own sinful lifestyles.
o   This gift of grace gives us the opportunity to have a ‘NEW LIFE’ eternal.
Romans 10:9
o   This is acceptance of the gift of Salvation or the act of being saved, is more than lip service.
Romans 6:16
-          Slaves to righteousness
o   Accepting the gift of salvation is offering yourself to obedience, and when you offer yourself to someone to be obedient, you are really offering to be a slave to the obedience of that persons teachings.
o   So you are essentially offering yourself to be a slave to the obedience of righteousness.
o   Your choice either way is accept salvation, be a slave to obedience which is life or deny the gift of salvation and be a slave of sin which is death.
So, now you see what salvation truly is. You see how amazing the love of Christ for you is, that he would die for you, a sinner.